Want to get involved
Regular Services
Join us for worship and the Word. Show up early for coffee, donuts, and fellowship and stick around afterward to get to know one another a little better or visit with our pastors and elders.
Youth and Children split off into separate classes after worship.
Join us for dinner at 6pm for just $1 (or for free if you can’t afford that.)
Then stick around for a time of worship and the Word at 7pm. Wednesday nights are usually geared more toward teaching than preaching.
Children split off from the adults following worship.
Youth Group
Wednesday Nights are youth group nights! While there are classes Sunday mornings, this is the true youth experience. Lots of fun, games, excitement, youth worship, and a message geared directly toward them.
Join us at 6pm for dinner. Play basketball, gaga-ball or football outside. Play carpetball or nine square in the air inside. Or just hangout!
Then the real excitement starts at 7pm-8:15pm.
Men’s Ministry
Men of Valor meet every Saturday morning at 7am for some exercise and study in the Word of God together. We may be playing basketball, hiking at the lake, or running through your neighborhood. So get in contact to find where we’ll be next and join us!
woMen’s Ministry
Join the ladies every 1st and 3rd Tuesday night at 6pm for a warm and welcoming time of fellowship and exploring the heart of God in the Word.
Food Pantry
Every Tuesday, Kathleen Coy, runs a food pantry for anyone with a need. There are no income checks or special requirements. This is open to the community and members alike.
Whether you need it regularly or just once to help you through, come on by Tuesdays 10am-1pm.
You can also donate food or money to this ministry!
River of life, kenya
For twenty years, the River has helped support a ministry it founded in Kenya, Africa. This ministry, under Reverend James Manasseh Simiyu, reaches out to the people of Thika Valley, Kenya with school and church services. The school also feeds its children!
Those who hunger
This ministry accepts quarterly nominations for individuals or families in need and delivers a special donation of $250 groceries and supplies straight to their homes.
This ministry is supported by the donations of individuals or businesses. We are happy to recognize your business, non-profit, or family anytime your participate.
You can also nominate a family or see if the team needs any additional help
Get involved
Here at The River, we have a passion for serving, connection, and the mission of the gospel. I bet you do as well! This walk with Christ isn’t about just receiving. It’s a call to give! It’s sharing the same passion that Christ had… a passion for the Father and a passion for mankind. The body of Christ has the privilege of being the hands and feet of Christ in this world. So we work together in unity to love this community and bring the grace of God to it.
tell us how you want Volunteer
Current Volunteer position needs
Qualified Nursery Volunteers
Sunday Morning Prayer Team
Check-in team for Nursery
Youth Volunteers
Current Resource needs
Construction Materials (2x4’s more specifically)
Billboard Advertisers
Decorative Rock for Garden