Our Team

Working together, equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry

Vincent and Misty Tannahill

Gladys Kennedy

Janice and Greg Hall Elders

Janice and Greg Hall

Coy and Abbey Mitchell Youth PastorsCoy and Abbey were raised up under the Gospel of Grace at the River. They embraced the Word of God and were ready to serve when the calling came. They are passionate about youth, fun, Jesus, and their baby girl, H…

Coy and Abbey Mitchell
Youth Pastors

Coy and Abbey were raised up under the Gospel of Grace at the River. They embraced the Word of God and were ready to serve when the calling came. They are passionate about youth, fun, Jesus, and their children, Hazel, Arthur, and Charlie.

Israel and Whitney Arnold Senior PastorsGraduating CFNI, God called Israel and Whitney to Durant where have served at the River for over a decade. They were placed in as the Senior pastors by Dr. John and Ann Hollar. Their vision for the church is t…

Israel and Whitney Arnold
Senior Pastors

Graduating CFNI, God called Israel and Whitney to Durant where have served at the River for over a decade. They were placed in as the Senior pastors by Dr. John and Ann Hollar. Their vision for the church is to see the working of the Five Fold Ministry within the body.